1.The Wit and Whimsy of W. A. Dwiggins, by Bruce Kennett. William Addison Dwiggins (1880–1956) is best known as a designer of printing types and books. His Caledonia and Electra types have been used to compose the text in countless thousands of books published since the 1930s. Dwiggins also established the visual style for Alfred A. Knopf and served for decades as their principal book designer. 31.03.22, St Bride Foundation - tickets
2. Boekkunstbeurs 2021 in Leiden in pictures - link
3. Save the date! AEPM annual conference 2022 at the the fabulous Atelier-Musée de l’Imprimerie in Malesherbes (FR). 5-6.05.22 - link
4. Expert class Boekontwerp – Patterns in Nature: 7 variaties - link
Quick links
1. ATypI Type Talks: ¿Letterpress? ¡¡¿En la era de Twitter?! Get ready for a fascinating conversation with Grendl Löfkvist (Letterform Archive/Type West, San Francisco) and Jesús Morentín (BunkerType, Barcelona). This conversation will be in Spanish.
23.11.21, free event - registration
2. Beatrice Ward Memorial Lecture - 50th Anniversary Good Types/Bad Types. With David Williams, Ellen Lupton, Erik van Blokland, Liron Lavi Turkenich, Martina Flor, Paul Barnes and Tré Seals. 18.11.21 - tickets
3. Textiles in Libraries: Context & Conservation series. Free event, booking required - link
4. Paula Scher in Madrid. The Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas presents a career-spanning exhibition of the designer in partnership with Madrid Gráfica 2021 - link
Quick links
1.NNP formula. A composite print of elements describing New North Press’ approach to letterpress - link
2. The Print Project Open Day, 16.10.21 - link
3. Partners in Print brings people together by using old printing presses to amplify new voices, share knowledge, and spark creativity - link
4. London Centre for Book Arts is Reopening! Help them to rebuild after Covid and create a new exhibition space dedicated to artist books and publishing - link
Quick links
1. Masterclass Linocut with Chrudoš Valoušek. Event by Czech Centre Brussels and Grafik. 02.10.2021 - link
2. The artist turning Nick Cave songs into wood engravings - link
3. If you are in Berlin. Solo exhibition of Olesya Dzhurayeva at the ArtEast, 24.09-24.10, Berlin - link
4. Boekkunstbeurs 2021, 06-07.11, Leiden - link
Get Impressed. The Revival of Letterpress and Handmade Type.
Happy to have my work featured in this publication by Sandu Publishing Co., Ltd. from China. I’m looking forward to receiving the book and meeting old and new ‘faces’ on the pages filled with ink and wood type.
Here is a short info about the publication:
Get Impressed. The Revival of Letterpress and Handmade Type
Letterpress, an old-world invention, forever changed the face of communication and the speed in which information could pass from person to person. It gave birth to the “press”. Today letterpress is in a full-blown revival and widely used in printing books, posters, bespoke stationery like invitations, name cards, letterheads and so on. Letterpress designers carve out their names in the computer-generated design world with beautifully composed types.
190 mm × 250 mm, 240pp
Hardcover, English
ISBN: 978-84-17656-37-9 (Oversea market)
ISBN: 978-988-74493-5-5 (Chinese market)
Contact sales@sandupublishing.com to purchase
And a few impressions:
My submission for this publication was the design for an LP sleeve (gatefold) and CD cover+booklet for the ‘Pockets Full of Change’ album by ‘People in Houses’ music band from Ghent. Together with the band we decided to use crafty approach: the illustrations were made from linocut, I printed and scanned the wood type to be used for the titles and the back side of the wood type for the textures. The letterpress printing took place at my studio Letterpress Corner and offset printing at Deepgrooves (NL).
Get Impressed
The Revival of Letterpress and Handmade Type
190 mm × 250 mm, 240pp
Hardcover, English
ISBN: 978-84-17656-37-9 (Oversea market)
ISBN: 978-988-74493-5-5 (Chinese market)
Contact sales@sandupublishing.com to purchase
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Quick links
Quick links
1. 2021 ATF Conference. 31.07 - 1.08 (via Zoom) - registration link
2. Graphic heritage institutions and the irresistible rise of graphic design - link
3. Save Our Bacon - Australian Letterpress Collection. Help preserve this historic letterpress collection and help build a mobile printmaking studio, housed in a custom 40" shipping container - link
4. Pressing Matters issue n°16 is out - link