During our one-year course, along with three-day workshops, and extra assignments, we also have a list of places we would like to visit—museums and archives that have relevant collections that might be interesting for our group. For our first visit, we chose 2 spots in Antwerp: Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library which has collected and preserved Flemish cultural heritage for over five centuries and Museum Plantin-Moretus, the only museum in the world to be inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Read MoreLong live the Black Arts / One-year course typesetting 2024-2025. The beginnings. Atelier t.
Do you remember this post about a one-year course on letterpress printing? It was about learning how to set type, print with a proofing press, and so much more. The course was developed by Drukwerkplaats Atelier t in close collaboration with the Museum of Industry in Ghent, Cultural Centre De Borre, and the Arts and Media Academy of Genk.
Read MorePresentatie Mooi Marginaal 9.
Inmiddels zijn de voorbereidingen voor de presentatie van Mooi Marginaal 9 in volle gang. In het voorjaar 2024 koos de vakjury uit de 131 inzendingen de 50 origineelste, mooiste en bijzondere druksels uit 2022 en 2023. Op 27 september om 16.00 uur is het zover, dan presenteren ze deze selectie in de openbare bibliotheek Amsterdam aan het Oosterdok, vlakbij het Centraal Station.
De Mooi Marginaal 9 tentoonstelling is van 27 september tot 19 november in de OBA-Oosterdok Amsterdam te bezoeken.
In de loop van 2024 en 2025 wordt de negende editie van Mooi Marginaal op verschillende plaatsen tentoongesteld. Nadere informatie volgt.
Gentse Feesten 2024 or “De boere-kermis”.
It is that time of year again, time for Ghent Festivities (Gentse Feesten), one of the largest cultural festivals in Europe - ten days of fun, which kicks off on the 19th of July.
Designing and printing a poster for this occasion is an old tradition at the Museum of Industry and this year was no exception. In the past years, the posters I've designed were purely typographic, typeset from wood and metal type available in the museum collection. But this year we thought to link it to an historical object from the museum's collection.
Read MoreAEPM annual conference 2024. Printing museums and the Art of Survival. TYPA, Tartu (EE). 23-25.05.2024.
From 23rd to 25th May 2024 TYPA centre was hosting the annual Association of European Printing Museums (AEPM) conference, bringing together print museums, print artists, researchers and enthusiasts from across Europe and on a global scale. Over three days conversations, lessons and exchanges will contribute to the active survival and exchange of knowledge. Moreover, this year Tartu was declared the European Capital of Culture so I had one more reason to travel to this charming city ;)
Read MoreLang leve de zwarte kunst | Jaaropleiding Letterzetten 2024-2025
Wil je je een jaar lang verdiepen in het vak boekdruk? Wil je leren letterzetten en drukken op de proefpers? Volg dan onze nieuwe jaaropleiding Letterzetten. De jaaropleiding hoort bij het driejarige project ‘Lang leve de zwarte kunst’ van Drukwerkplaats Atelier t in samenwerking met het Industriemuseum, CC De Borre en de Genkse Academie voor Beeldende Kunst en Media.
Het programma bestaat uit 6 driedaagse werkweekends, online bijeenkomsten en plaatsbezoeken in Vlaanderen en Brussel. De begeleiding is in handen van ervaren docenten: Thomas Gravemaker, Armina Ghazaryan en Niels Goovaerts. Aanmelden voor 14 juli. Niet te missen!
Check het programma - link
Three-day workshop for Kalamazoo Book Art Center students at the Museum of Industry
Summer is on its way but before taking a well-deserved holiday, we had an interesting activity to look forward to: a three-day workshop for 11 students from Kalamazoo Book Arts Center who came from Michigan under the supervision of Jeff Abshear. The workshop, taught by Thomas Gravemaker and yours truly, took place at the printing department of the Museum of Industry in Ghent, equipped with proofing presses and a large collection of wood and metal type.
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