1.AEPM 2025 annual conference: save the date! The AEPM’s annual conference is being hosted in 2025 (3-9 September) by the Centre for printing history and culture (CPHC) - link
2. Voorjaarsvakantie pionier workshop lithografie in Diepenheim (NL) van 17 t/m 21 februari 2025, tijdens de Voorjaarsvakantie van Noord Nederland - link
3. PRIXEL DIY Rubber Stamp Kit - link
4. CALL FOR ENTRY. Belgium International MiniPrint for a cause 2025 - more info
AEPM annual conference 2024. Printing museums and the Art of Survival. TYPA, Tartu (EE). 23-25.05.2024.
From 23rd to 25th May 2024 TYPA centre was hosting the annual Association of European Printing Museums (AEPM) conference, bringing together print museums, print artists, researchers and enthusiasts from across Europe and on a global scale. Over three days conversations, lessons and exchanges will contribute to the active survival and exchange of knowledge. Moreover, this year Tartu was declared the European Capital of Culture so I had one more reason to travel to this charming city ;)
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1.Printopia – The vinyl record. In the year 2021, Tipos en su Tinta were offered an artist residency at the Fine Art Museum of Tenerife. At about the same time the experimental musician Ernst Surberg visited their workshop and got inspired by the sounds and interacting movements of the ‘bodies’: machines and humans. Recordings of the activity became musical material, that again was manipulated and performed live together with musician Esther Ropón at the closure event of the exhibition. The cover and poster illustration were created by printing an obsolete hard drive and other discarded objects from modern living, making reference to the unique mixture of mechanical sounds from the workshop and their modulations with the synthesizer, but also to emphasize the continuous long life of the letterpress printing technique - link
2. Sadly the The Musee & Atelier in Bordeaux (France) is closing and selling off its contents. If you are interested please contact Claude Chaulfeteau by telephone: 05 56 92 61 17 or email: mib33800@gmail.com for further information. It's utterly sad that this museum and atelier is closing but hopefully good homes will be found for the equipment - link
3. Gordel van papier’ about the advent of the printed book in Indonesia. It covers the period 1816-1957. Huis van het boek (The Hague, NL) - link
4. Save the date! From 23rd to 25th of May 2024, TYPA centre will host the annual AEPM conference with the theme of "Printing Museums and the Art of Survival" in Tartu, Estonia - link
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1.Type Tuesday: Activists in Ink at St Bride Foundation, 08.03.22 - link
2. Why do we make printing museums? The AEPM’s annual conference is being hosted this year by the Atelier-Musée de l’imprimerie in Malesherbes (FR). 05-07-.05.22 - link
3. Typo Belgiëque workshop: an introductory course to type design. A workshop by Jo De Baerdemaeker. This 4-day hands-on workshop, comprising of 4 Fridays in May 2022, is aimed at professional designers and creatives, who want to start learning the basics of how to design your own original typeface and generate the font you always dreamed of - link
4. Pandemic portrait project by Tillman Press. How to get involved - link
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1.Have you already thought about your Christmas gift for your favourite printmaker? Check out the Arteina website - link. Arteina is a manufacturer and distributor of material for fine arts, tools for engraving, lithography, woodcut, linocut, screen printing etc.
2. Een compacte selectie uit ontwerpwerk van G.Dooreman is te bekijken in de bibliotheek van Wevelgem - link
3. Call to Artists. RSA residencies for Scotland 2022 - link
4. If you missed the AEPM’s 2021 annual conference, you can now catch up on all or part of it on the Klingspor Museum’s YouTube channel - link
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1.The Wit and Whimsy of W. A. Dwiggins, by Bruce Kennett. William Addison Dwiggins (1880–1956) is best known as a designer of printing types and books. His Caledonia and Electra types have been used to compose the text in countless thousands of books published since the 1930s. Dwiggins also established the visual style for Alfred A. Knopf and served for decades as their principal book designer. 31.03.22, St Bride Foundation - tickets
2. Boekkunstbeurs 2021 in Leiden in pictures - link
3. Save the date! AEPM annual conference 2022 at the the fabulous Atelier-Musée de l’Imprimerie in Malesherbes (FR). 5-6.05.22 - link
4. Expert class Boekontwerp – Patterns in Nature: 7 variaties - link
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1. 2021 ATF Conference. 31.07 - 1.08 (via Zoom) - registration link
2. Graphic heritage institutions and the irresistible rise of graphic design - link
3. Save Our Bacon - Australian Letterpress Collection. Help preserve this historic letterpress collection and help build a mobile printmaking studio, housed in a custom 40" shipping container - link
4. Pressing Matters issue n°16 is out - link