1. The Manchester Print Fair. Saturday 14th April 2018.
2. Stand Out Prints 2018. Call for submissions.
3. Final Conference: Letterpress Printing, Leeds, 19-20 July 2018. Call for papers, 13.04.2018.
4. Shipley Wayzgoose. The Kirkgate Centre, June 9th 2018.
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1. The next annual conference of the AEPM will be hosted by the Imprenta municipal – Artes del libro, Madrid, Spain from the 24-26 May 2018. The theme of the conference is:
'After printing: bookbinding as cultural heritage'.
2. MABB2018-Malmö Artists Book Biennial, first international artist's book fair in Sweden, a fair and exhibition about art based on the book as a phenomenon. 20.04.18.
3. GAA drukt door in Grote Kerk in Alkmaar. 22.06-22.07.18.
4. 'The Letterpress Printer', a lovely short film about Nick Hand from Bristol. The first in a new on-going collection of short films that explore the human relationship with passions, occupations and obsessions.
Featured in Top 40 Letterpress Blogs and Websites for Letterpress Printing.
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1. Drukdrukdruk festival is back! And this time we are offering a letterpress workshop in our brand new space Letterpress Corner in Gent.
Where — Dok-Zuid 23, 9000 Gent
When — Saturday 05.05.18 & Sunday 06.05.18 from 13:00 until 17:00
Price — €40 pp (all materials included)
Registration is required — info@letterpesscorner.com
Max. 6 participants per workshop (+16)
2. Atelier Musee Imprimerie, the largest European printing museum is coming soon to Malesherbes (FR). Take a look at 'the making off' video.
3. Residency. Women’s Studio Workshop in Beisinghoff, Germany. Apply here.
4. Summer course Typography 2018. Atelier t, Bierbeek (BE).
Typographic Summer Program with Dafi Kühne in Switzerland
"Typographic Summer Program" with Dafi Kühne is an intense 2-week summer program in Switzerland for international graphic design students and professionals. It started in 2016 with one summer session over 2 weeks and established over the last 3 years to a 2 session summer program.
The workshop’s goal is to bridge the gap between analog design and production tools and professional contemporary typographic posters. Students will go through a number of analog tasks to experience the layout qualities of simple type-only layouts. All the experiments and layout exercises will be realized with traditional letterpress printing presses and physical type. Through this very slow but accurate analog process, students will learn to put emphasis on concept and micro typography.
This program is a great opportunity for students to see and learn first hand from one of the few internationally successful contemporary letterpress poster designers. Besides of a lot of process results, sketches and small experimental prints, students will collaborate to produce each a letterpress printed typographic poster printed with
a variety of possible production tools like physical type
(wood & lead), chipboard, laser cut MDF, linoleum,
hand cast Ludlow type lines, and many more…
Every aspect of the design process that is taught and intensely trained with the tutors in an analog way will be easy to translate to the contemporary design practice for
the students' future career.
Dates/Schedule 2018
Session 1: From June 17th until June 30th.
Session 2: From August 5th until August 18th.
Applications for both sessions are open until March 30, 2018.
Check out the details here.
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1. Grand Mots Grands Moyens, an exhibition at Le Musée de l’imprimerie in Nantes,
2. Printing Colour 1700-1830 conference, 10-12.04.18, London.
3. Cataloging the Enquirer collection at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.
4. Printing Revolution and Society 1450-1500 - Fifty Years that Changed Europe Congres.
19-21.09.18, Venice.
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1. Artbook Berlin 2018 - 16-18.11.2018. Open for submissions until 30.04.2018.
2. Typosium XIIII. Save the date! 1 September 2018.
3. Haute Lecture by Colard Mansion. Innovating text and image in medieval Bruges - link.
4. The Type Collection – Preserving British Printing History.