1. Letterpress Workers book is now available for sale. Check it out!
2. Okanagan Print Triennial. Deadline for the submission 08.09.17
3. 'Give & Take', call for Los Angeles Printmaking Society’s exhibition & exchange portfolio.
4. Griffo, the great gala of letters - curated by the association Francesco Griffo da Bologna, and created by Dina&Solomon, the multidisciplinary project in collaboration with many Italian and international partners and institutions, aims to tell and revive Griffo’s story and the awareness of the invaluable tool that accompanies our daily life.
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1. Into the Wild - 5-days letterpress workshop run by Edward Johansson of Ahvaland Press (FI) & Claudio Madella of Officina Tipografica Novepunti (IT). 16-21.08.17
2. Karel Martens: Motion exhibition at the Design Museum Gent (till 30.07.17)
3. Open call for independent publishers for the Fruit Exhibition in Bologna. 02-04.02.18
4. The new meets the old: making a QR code with a Monotype composition caster - link
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1. Call for submissions for the second edition of ‘For the Love of Letterpress: A Printing Handbook for Instructors & Students’ (by Cathie Ruggie Saunders & Martha Chiplis)
2. Type Amsterdam conference by Bijzondere Collecties. 27.09.17 - tickets
3. Impressive work by Robert Sawa (Lublin, Poland)
4. The year 2018 marks the 550th anniversary of the death of Gutenberg. The Espace Européen Gutenberg will be setting up a program for the year 2018, stay tuned
Print Me Baby One More Type or LpW 2017
Just got back from Letterpress Workers Summit in Milan, 4 days filled with the joy of meeting like-minded people, learning from printmakers from all over the world, visiting museums and being genuinely inspired by what I saw. Even though this year I arrived one day later, missed the first day of the event and the 'Type and Ink' PechaKucha night, I've enjoyed every bit of it. The theme of this LpW edition was 'Resist', so each day the printmakers (approx. 40) divided into groups of 3 or 4 were producing some irresistible pieces of printwork using wood type and proof presses provided by Novepunti.
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1. Help the London Centre for Book Arts grow to make room for more work space, more resources, and more ways to support their community - link
2. The St Bride Library catalogue is now available to explore online - link
3. Labora unites the tradition and expertise of Tallinna Paber and the Tallinn School of Calligraphy. They offer the unique combination of letterpress printing, paper making, and calligraphy. Check it out!
4. Pictures from the Letterpress Workers 2017 in Milan - link
Open Days at the Arteveldehogeschool Campus Mariakerke. 24.06.2017
Last week, as the end of the academic year was approaching, many (art) schools and universities of the city Gent held their exhibitions & open days inviting new students to join in. Artevelde University College Gent (Arteveldehogeschool/ Campus Mariakerke - Graphic and Digital Media) opened up its doors on Saturday 24 of June offering various activities such as a brand new exhibition about letterpress printing + demonstration, lettering & 3D workshop and so much more.
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1. Gentse Feesten/ MIAT - Oud-drukker Arnould vertelt over drukinkt & zwarte vingers. Dagelijks van zaterdag 15 juli tot zondag 23 juli, om 10u (prijs-museumtoegang) - link
2. Gentse Feesten/ MIAT - Gezinsworkshop drukken. 15-23.07.2017 - link
3. British Letterpress. A UK view of Letterpress Printing.
4. Pressing Matters magazine - a new printmaking publication, fresh off the printing press.