1.Workshop. Typefaces // met artist-in-residence Jan Vermandere. 06.02.2025, 19-21u, Industriemuseum - link
2. Open Print Exchange. Deadline 15.02.2025 - link
3. WIELS presenteert OBSTAKLES, een groot overzicht van het werk van Willem Oorebeek (NL). 01.02 - 27.04.2025, Wiels (BE) - link
4. Mokuhanga MON AMOUR. An open call for mokuhanga artists worldwide - link
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1. Wonderful project to support! Type Archived: A visual journey through typographic history. The definitive account of the legendary Type Archive provides a stunning visual tour of traditional typefounding, tracing the origins of typography and the printed word - link
2. Editions is a nomadic bookstore and space for publications, editorial objects, and performances. It gathers independent publishers and self-published works from artists and designers. 12-14.12.2024, SB34 Manchester (Brussels, BE) - link
3. The 14th Graphic Arts Biennale: IMPORT/EXPORT. The Graphic Arts Biennale, established in 1999, is a cyclical review/competition presenting the works of young-generation artists working in the area of graphic arts. Deadline 10.02.2025, Poznań (PL) - link
4. PLICA Zine & Print Market. Ontdek er het werk van meer dan 60 zine- en printmakers, vind er de mooiste illustraties & prints. 14-15.12.2024, Gent (BE) - link
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1.The German-Dutch Graphic Arts Fair in Borken (DE) is a yearly inspiration to graphic enthusiasts from both sides of the border. Submit your work. Deadline 30.11.2024 - link
2. Women in Design at the Design Museum in Brussels (BE) - link
3. Art Book Berlin 2024, 22 - 24.11.2024, Berlin (DE) - link
4. Atelier Typographique de la cité in Lausanne (CH). Open doors day on 07.12.2024 - link
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1. De Kunst Wedstrijd. Vrije Grafiek 24. Inschrijven kan t.e.m. 3 november 2024 - link
2. Wiels Art Book Fair, 05 - 06.10.2024, Wiels, Brussels - link
3. Art on Paper, Brussels International Drawing Fair, 03 - 06.10.2024, Tour & Taxis, Brussels - link
4. The Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture. Adventures in Episodic Type Design with David Jonathan Ross, 17.10.2024, St Bride Foundation, London, online/offline - link
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1.Coming soon // Workshops in het Industriemuseum, Gent (BE) - link
2. ArchiTypo 2024 International typographic project expo, 19.08 - 06.09.2024, WBP “Stary Ratusz” Gallery, Olsztyn (PL) - link
3. Art on Paper, 03 - 06.10.2024, Tour & Taxis, Brussels (BE) - link
4. International Print Triennial Cieszyn 2024. Call for application - link + registration form
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1.50 years of Frans Masereel Centrum (BE). A year round celebration - link
2. Deberny et Peignot specimens (circa 1930-1937) from the collection of Ampersanden Press Lab (FR) - link
3. Bringing back the laundry press for new press wines - link
4. The Fifth International Biennial of Printmaking / call for arstist 2022 - link
Quick links
1.New Impressions. Call for entries. Deadline: January 18, 2022 - link
2. Celebrating London’s Libraries. 20 January 2022. 7–9 pm (GMT). Online via Zoom.
Tickets: £3–5 - link
3. Typoteka. The Index of Polish Typefaces - link
4. Pick up skills and inspiration through PiP’s letterpress printing classes and workshops — no matter where in the world you live - link