1. Museum Mermanno. Exhibition ‘Printing in The Hague. 500 years of books in 30 stories’.
2. Dafi Kühne Printing Show. Episode 1.
3. Sheffield Print Fair 2018.
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1. Whittington Summer Show will be taking place on Saturday 1st September 2018.
2. Gin & Type Tasting: The story of fonts, civilisation & gin. 22.09 & 27.09, London.
3. Out of Your Comfort Zone lecture. 20.09.2018 St. Bride Foundation, London.
4. Second International Competition Ex-Libris Officine Incisorie – 2018.
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1. Hamilton Wayzgoose. November 2-4, 2018.
2. TypeFace summer workshop at the Letterpress Corner in Ghent.
3. Check out the letterpress workshop that will be given during ATypI in Antwerp.
4. Make Dreams Reality: Community Letterpress Workshop Studio on Kickstarter.
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1. Endless letterpress/ Los Ultimos is a film about typography, but above all, about a group of people passionate about an ancient craft.
2. Friends and practitioners of print, fans of type, ink connoisseurs, nerds of the word and music packaging aficionados, the Stumptown Printers could use a hand! Thank you for reading their newsletter.
3. Baskerville in France. An international conference in Amiens, France, 18-19 October 2018.
4. Just in case you fancy some type soaps ;) - link
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1. Fear/Hope - Una mostra di Letterpress Workers! Exhibition at BASE Milan.
2. Last spots for Dafi Kühne s wonderful summer program - link.
3. Lithography Schnellpresse anno 1904. Let's move a 114 year old 7.5 ton heavy lithography Schnellpresse from Switzerland to its new home in Southern Sweden - link.
4. Calling all Printmakers! Submissions are open for our National Original Print Exhibition, all forms of printmaking are eligible and successful entries will be exhibited Bankside Gallery from 19-30 September. Deadline 28 June.
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1. BOEKLABO is een 2-daagse intensieve workshop voor wie zijn stapels gedichten, verhalen, tekeningen, foto’s, etc. graag in boekvorm zou willen gieten. 16 & 23 juni 2018, Deurne (BE).
2. 27th edition. The Price of Engraving and Printed Image at the Centre de la Gravure - link.
3. Papier Biënnale Rijswijk 2018. 12 juni tem 7 oktober 2018.
4. The International Exlibris Centre of the Town of Sint-Niklaas organises an international competition, every two years. Bookmarks as well as other small prints may be submitted. Send your participation before November 1, 2018 - link.
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1. 'Old But Bold. It's Letterpress' - 7th Letterpress Workers Summit, 28-30.06.2018, Milan (IT).
2. Bookbinding is a unique and essential reference guide for designers, explaining industrial bookbinding techniques with a focus on the design and conception of print products.
3. Where Printed Words Transcend Time and Communicate What Can't Be Said - link.
4. A day at The Type Archive. 12.05.18, London (UK) - tickets.