1. A complete reprint of the revolutionary Gutenberg Bible “B42” - link.
2. A fabulous set of photos of the Caslon Type Foundry at the beginning of the twentieth century - link.
3. Françoise Pétrovitch at the Centre de la Gravure (BE). This exhibition is a mix of prints, sculptures, wall drawings and a video installation entitled ' The wolf and the wolf ' - link.
4. The voice of the people before Twitter? The protest poster worldwide from 1968 to 1973.
"Get Up, Stand Up!", changing the world with posters! 400 posters, 30 countries, 5 continents. 09.05.2018 - 30.09.2018, MIMA museum (BE).
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1. The theme of ATypI: Association Typographique Internationale 2018 conference is 'Type Legacies: honouring the heritage, designing type today'. By honouring our heritage, we reflect on the rich tradition of type to gain insights into the contemporary practice and inspire the future. September 11–15, 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
The call for presentations for ATypI 2018 is now open.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 30, 2018.
2. The 5th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing exhibition - link.
3. A look inside Dafi Kühne Swiss Alps-based, mindblowingly vast letterpress studio, by AIGA, (image by Daniel Infanger)
4. Drukken, bladwijzers maken of een velletje papier marmeren in Plantin-Moretus museum tijdens de Erfgoeddag, 22.04.
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1. The Manchester Print Fair. Saturday 14th April 2018.
2. Stand Out Prints 2018. Call for submissions.
3. Final Conference: Letterpress Printing, Leeds, 19-20 July 2018. Call for papers, 13.04.2018.
4. Shipley Wayzgoose. The Kirkgate Centre, June 9th 2018.
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1. The next annual conference of the AEPM will be hosted by the Imprenta municipal – Artes del libro, Madrid, Spain from the 24-26 May 2018. The theme of the conference is:
'After printing: bookbinding as cultural heritage'.
2. MABB2018-Malmö Artists Book Biennial, first international artist's book fair in Sweden, a fair and exhibition about art based on the book as a phenomenon. 20.04.18.
3. GAA drukt door in Grote Kerk in Alkmaar. 22.06-22.07.18.
4. 'The Letterpress Printer', a lovely short film about Nick Hand from Bristol. The first in a new on-going collection of short films that explore the human relationship with passions, occupations and obsessions.
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1. Drukdrukdruk festival is back! And this time we are offering a letterpress workshop in our brand new space Letterpress Corner in Gent.
Where — Dok-Zuid 23, 9000 Gent
When — Saturday 05.05.18 & Sunday 06.05.18 from 13:00 until 17:00
Price — €40 pp (all materials included)
Registration is required — info@letterpesscorner.com
Max. 6 participants per workshop (+16)
2. Atelier Musee Imprimerie, the largest European printing museum is coming soon to Malesherbes (FR). Take a look at 'the making off' video.
3. Residency. Women’s Studio Workshop in Beisinghoff, Germany. Apply here.
4. Summer course Typography 2018. Atelier t, Bierbeek (BE).
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1. Grand Mots Grands Moyens, an exhibition at Le Musée de l’imprimerie in Nantes,
2. Printing Colour 1700-1830 conference, 10-12.04.18, London.
3. Cataloging the Enquirer collection at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.
4. Printing Revolution and Society 1450-1500 - Fifty Years that Changed Europe Congres.
19-21.09.18, Venice.
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1. Artbook Berlin 2018 - 16-18.11.2018. Open for submissions until 30.04.2018.
2. Typosium XIIII. Save the date! 1 September 2018.
3. Haute Lecture by Colard Mansion. Innovating text and image in medieval Bruges - link.
4. The Type Collection – Preserving British Printing History.