As you probably already know the Letterpress Workers Summit (LpW) is an annual meeting of letterpress printers/designers from Europe and US. LpW is a short-term artistic residence, open to the public, where people work together on a common theme, sharing their knowledge and experience. LpW started in Milan in 2012 and is curated by Officina Tipografica Novepunti. Since 2014, it has been held at Leoncavallo S.p.a.
The theme of this year is Resist.
We are living in strange and rather scary times. “Resist” has a wide range of political interpretations. It could be historical (i.e. Willem Sandberg or Omar Al Mukhtar), or connected to the battle for the environment (Zad in France or the Standing Rock protests in the USA) or civil rights (Black Lives Matter). Another thing we should resist is disinformation. Fake news, alternative facts, social network bombing and dishonest use of graphic design make it more difficult to understand the world. We need new tools to do so. Letterpress could be one of those tools.
Letterpress itself is a form of resistance: it still exists – the number of people involved increases year by year, and the process itselfcontains a kind of resistance, between letters, ink and paper. (source)
Come and see the letterpress workers in action
Follow the workshops
Build strong connections, lay foundations for future collaborations and if that is not enough there will be a little auction held on Saturday the 1st of July where you can buy various items from dusty drawers to books, as the Letterpress Workers will be selling some of their treasures.
So next week I'm packing my bags and leaving for Milan to enjoy 4 days of printing in a great company of fellow designers. See you there! Ciao!
Letterpress Workers Summit (LpW)
28.06-02.07.17, Leoncavallo S.p.a.
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Letterpress Workers. Milan. 2016
LpW 2015
LpW 2014
LpW 2013