Our next stop in Amsterdam is Sander Pinkse Boekproductie studio, located just a few minutes away from Letterpress Amsterdam.
Sander Pinkse designs and produces books, of all shapes and sizes. He has been working as a book designer for more than twenty years. Sander's studio also houses a letterpress print shop. In his spacious place situated on the ground floor of a typical Amsterdam house, you can find an iron hand press, Vandercook, a platen press and a great collection of posters (not only letterpress printed). The studio also houses a unique collection of wood type, type specimens and calendars belonging to Stadsdrukkerij Amsterdam.
From 1735 to 2002, Amsterdam had its own printing house (Stadsdrukkerij). In 2011, during the evacuation of the premises at the former Stadstimmertuin, unique copper plates from the 17th and 18th centuries, woodcuts, letters and other material were found in a basement. All these materials formed a book "Gedrukt voor de stad" about the history of Stadsdrukkerij Amsterdam written by Hans Moolenbel, designed by Sander Pinkse and published by Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen. Which I strongly recommend even if you don't speak Dutch as it is richly illustrated with more than 300 images of printwork produced over the years. In addition to the specific contents of the printwork coming out of the Stadsdrukkerij they were well known for their frequent collaboration with graphic artists such as Fré Cohen, Willem Sandberg, Theo Wijdeveld, Wim Crouwel etc.
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