"…artists and biologist are taught to observe the nature.
Biologist are taught to study the functioning of the organic physical world
and the artists are taught to make social observation of the physical world."
Beautiful short documentary made by filmmakers at WalleyFilms showing the artist Margaret Craig at work.
Margaret Craig's work derives from various printmaking methods and one of them seemed very intriguing to me as I've never seen anything like that. She invented Tar Gel Pressless Etching, a technique where by applying the Tar Gel on the etching plate you get a stretched etching/print without actually printing it. These prints are used further in her sculptural work.
I'm fascinated by these elegant sculptures of microbiological organisms.
image source WalleyFlms blog
"Margaret Craig received a degree in Biology Secondary Education, a BS in Art and an MA in Painting from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She later received an MFA in Printmaking from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Currently she is Chair of Painting, Drawing and Printmaking at the Southwest School of Art and Craft in San Antonio, TX. Her original Biology degree has been a major influence in the visual and ecological context of her work, and her shop promotes a less toxic approach to printmaking."