1.Lecture by Studio Schreefloos. Craft (wo)manship & Co-printing. 26.02.2025, De Lange Adem (NL) - link
2. As part of the 2025 theme "Book City Leipzig. More than a Story", the Museum of Printing in Leipzig is organizing a year-long series of workshops. 9.03 - 07.12.2025 - link
3. This year Amsterdam is turning 750! AGA LAB has been part of the city’s history for 67 years and is celebrating with a unique anniversary stamp. Join this project - link
4. Workshop // Legodruk, 21.03.2025 & 11.04.2025, Industriemuseum - link
5. Lezing // Een Lithografische Passie. 03.04.2025, Industriemuseum - link
6. Workshop. Letterpress // Poster Drukken (duo kind - volw), 10.04.2025, Industriemuseum - link
7. Workshop. Letterpress // Typocity, 13.04.2025, Industriemuseum - link
8. Workshop. Letterpress // Poster Drukken (duo kind - volw), 11.05.2025, Industriemuseum - link