1. Expo (Wood)TypeFaces van Jan Vermandere in het koetshuis, Coupure Links 673 - vrij 14/10 van 17u - 24u/ zat 15/10 van 14u - 24u/ zon 16/10 van 11u - 24u.
2. Paul Peter Piech at the People’s History Museum. An extensive exhibition on the art of printmaker Paul Peter Piech is set to open at the People’s History Museum in Manchester on October 1.
3. 'The Revival of Printing Techniques' lecture during the Grafixx festival in Antwerp, on Friday at 20:00 (spoken language: Dutch). Grafixx festival, 25-27.11.16.
4. The First International Print Biennale Yerevan 2017, open for submissions (15 Dec) - link