If you haven't had a chance to see the "Proceed and be bold" yet you can watch the full feature length documentary on Youtube (available for the rest of the month).
It tells the story of Amos Kennedy, a highly regarded letterpress printer from Alabama. After visiting a printing press workshop in Williamsburg, Virginia he abandoned his job as a succesful programmer at AT&T and at the age of 40, tired from corporate world, decided he wanted to be a printer and moved to rural Alabama. He became known for his posters printed on chipboard. These multilayered, colorful posters are usually socially and racially loaded and mean to provoke and rise questions about social justice issues. But to me this documentary is a kind of reminder to do what you want (& love) in your life and go for it. Proceed and be Bold!
found via the printeresting notebook
update: The Detroit Printing Plant project is fully funded and Amos Kennedy is moving to Detroit.
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