In the beginning of October, I decided to take a short break to visit my family in Armenia as well as to visit the Granshan non-latin type conference which this year took place in Yerevan. Upon arrival in sunny Armenia, I've discovered that the Printing Museum in Yerevan just got open and rushed there as soon as I could.
The museum is located in the building of the National Library of Armenia (Teryan street, 72) and the Library had already expressed the idea of establishing this museum back in 2012, when Armenia was celebrating the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing & UNESCO named Yerevan as World Book Capital. But it was finally opened for public just recently, on 25th of September 2017.
Quick links
1. The Letter Exchange lecture series 2017-18. Check out the programme
2. William Caslon – A specimen of printing types (1785)
3. 'The birth of printing' docudrama directed by Marc Jampolsky
4. Behind Simoncini’s Glasses, an article about the exhibition on Francesco Simoncini
Quick links
1. 'John Baskerville. Art and Industry in the Enlightenment', by Caroline Archer-Parré and Malcolm Dick, Liverpool University Press.
2. 'The Visual History of Type', by Laurence King.
3. Type and time: Work, typographic meanderings and learning to slow down. The Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture by The Counter Press. 2 November, 7pm, St Bride Foundation.
4. The second issue of Pressing Matters magazine is available for purchase.
DRKPSTRT 6. 23-24.09.2017. Dok-Gent
For one more time Topo Copy and the MIAT bundled their forces to organise the 6th edition of DRUKOPSTRAAT steamroller printing festival, as part of the annual SORRY, NOT SORRY street art festival with murals, graffiti, performances and art installations, spread through the city of Gent.
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1. Boekkunstbeurs in Pieterskerk in Leiden. 11-12.11.2017.
2. The Wolpe Exhibition - a month-long exhibition to celebrate the launch of a new collection of typefaces, originally designed by Berthold Wolpe, now revived by Monotype.
3. Making third stream books in the post-digital age, lecture by Russell Maret. 17.10.2017
4. Double Dagger Issue 2 is now available for pre-order.
Quick links
1. Women in Print: production, distribution and consumption. Call for papers.
Deadline 15.11.2017
2. Frank Baseman’s Inner Ben Franklin by Steven Heller
3. New Prints 2018/Winter. Call for submissions. Deadline 09.11.2017
4. Nieuwe business modellen in print. 05.10.2017, Mechelen
Quick links
1. The State of Historical Letterpress. This one-day workshop examines the survival and use of historical printing presses and type. Birmingham, UK. 29.09.2017
2. DRUKOPSTRAAT #6. Steamroller Printing Festival in Gent. 23-24.09.2017 - link
3. Redopapers is a young design brand from Antwerp that uses left over and unused print materials. The final result is a line of beautiful stationery products.
4. Art Print Residence in Barcelona.